Tuesday, June 02, 2015

'New Horizons’ Readies U.S. to Deploy, Conduct Joint Operations

By Terri Moon Cronk
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, June 2, 2015 – About 100 Army, Air Force and Marine Corps engineering and medical personnel began exercise New Horizons in the Honduras yesterday, Pentagon Spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters today.

The exercise, conducted in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy and Honduran government, will train military civil engineers and medical professionals for future deployments and joint operations, Warren said.

U.S. Southern Command has conducted the annual joint and combined humanitarian assistance exercise since the mid-1980s, according to the exercise website.

In addition to valuable deployment training, the exercise also provides important relationship building opportunities with partner nations, according to the website.

School, Water Wells to Be Built

This year, service members will work alongside Hondurans to construct a school and two water wells in the Colón district of Honduras, Warren said.

“Medical personnel also will conduct information exchanges with the Honduran minster of defense regarding vector-borne disease surveillance efforts,” he noted.

The effort is the first of a three-phase project to partner with Honduras to help eradicate malaria in the Colón district, Warren added.

“Air Force medical personnel also will work with the Honduran Ministry of Health and Trujillo Hospital officials to perform general and orthopedic surgeries throughout the exercise,” he said.

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