Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Team Shaw prepares for hurricane season

by Airman 1st Class Michael Cossaboom
20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

5/26/2015 - SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C.  -- Members of the 20th Fighter Wing are beginning to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season.

Hurricane season begins June 1 and lasts approximately six months.

"According to statistics from the South Carolina State Climatology Office, in the last 110 years 27 hurricanes have had landfall in South Carolina," said Fred Harmon, 20th Operational Support Squadron weather forecaster. "Only eight of those were Category two to four storms."

Shaw is located approximately 100 miles from the east coast. While most hurricanes will start to die off shortly after hitting land, Shaw could still be hit if a strong hurricane comes through.

"Mostly what Shaw receives from a hurricane would be heavy rain and winds of 25-35 miles per hour," said Harmon. "While hurricanes rarely cause damage at Shaw, Hurricane Hugo did affect Shaw and Sumter in September 1989 with extensive damage."

Hurricane Hugo caused $7 billion of damage to the United States.

"If there is a threat to the Southeast states, the National Hurricane Center will be issuing forecasts at their website," said Harmon. "Also updates can be tracked by local TV and radio outlets."

The South Carolina Department of Transportation emergency evacuation route for Sumter S.C., is U.S. Route 378 West.

According to the 20th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency management flight they recommend having the following items in an emergency supply kit:

·Jumper cables: including flares or a reflective triangle.
·Flashlights: with extra batteries.
·First Aid Kit: including any necessary medications, baby formula and diapers if you have a small child.
·Food: non-perishable food such as canned food, and protein rich foods like nuts and energy bars.
·Manual can opener.
·Water: at least one gallon of water per person a day for at least three days
·Basic toolkit: including pliers, a wrench, and a screwdriver.
·Pet supplies: including food and water.
·Radio: battery or hand cranked.
·Cat litter or sand: for better tire traction.
·Ice scraper
·Clothes: warm clothes, gloves, hat, sturdy boots, jacket and an extra change of clothes for the cold.
·Blankets or sleeping bags.
·Charged cell Phone: and car charger.
·Extra fuel cans with fuel for car.

Even though Shaw has a low risk for hurricanes, it is still imperative that all Team Shaw members be ready and are prepared for anything.

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