Friday, May 15, 2015

DoD Honors Former Australian Defense Official for Public Service

By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, May 15, 2015 – The Defense Department yesterday recognized a former senior Australian defense official for almost 50 years of outstanding public service to his country and for his contributions to a successful U.S.-Australian partnership.

Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, presented the U.S. Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service on behalf of Defense Secretary Ash Carter to Warren King, former chief executive officer of Australia’s Defense Materiel Organization, during a Pentagon ceremony.

King stepped down Feb. 27 after almost five decades in Australian defense and industry, including 20 years of service with the Royal Australian Navy and a short-term assignment working on acquisition reform under the U.S. Navy secretary.

Advancing Leading-edge Technologies

The retired executive was nominated for the award in recognition of his leadership and project management expertise as chief executive officer of the Defense Materiel Organization.

Kendall lauded King for his personal contributions to the success of the U.S.-Australian partnership and in advancing leading-edge technologies.

“Mr. King played a significant role in the Australia-United States Ministerial Defense Acquisition Committee,” Kendall said, “where he enhanced the connectivity at the operational and working levels across cooperative acquisition, logistics support, research and development, and the test and evaluation of defense equipment.”

On hand for the presentation was Kim Beazley, Australian ambassador to the United States, along with members of King’s family and senior U.S. and Australian defense officials.

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