Thursday, May 07, 2015

AF establishes new key developmental reporting identifiers

By Master Sgt. Lesley Waters, Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs Command Information / Published May 06, 2015

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force has established four new reporting identifiers to identify Airmen serving in key developmental positions outside of their control Air Force specialty, effective April 30.

The four new key developmental position reporting identifiers are: key developmental senior master sergeant and chief master sergeant enlisted positions on headquarters Air Force staff and the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy (9D100), enlisted engagement manager/international affairs (9L100), secretary of the Air Force enlisted legislative fellows (9N000) and Military Entrance Processing Command senior enlisted advisor (9M000).

"These positions confirm our continued commitment to the development of our enlisted force, and the ability for enlisted Airmen to serve at the highest levels,” said Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James A. Cody.

Airmen assigned to these positions will be considered performing outside of their normal career progression pattern, requiring a different duty Air Force specialty code from the current AFSC. Their duty AFSC will reflect the reporting identifier. The Airman’s control AFSC will match the primary Air Force specialty code (except for skill level, if necessary).

For example: Senior Master Sgt. Smith, 3S091, is selected for 9N100 duties. Smith’s CAFSC will remain 3S091, the primary AFSC will remain 3S091 and the DAFSC will be updated to 9N100.

Eligibility to serve in one of these positions includes the following:
• Grades: senior master sergeant – chief master sergeant
• Skill level commensurate with grade.
• Overall enlisted performance report rating of 5 on the last three enlisted performance reports.
• 80 percent or above on the last two fitness tests, or 90 percent or above on the most recent fitness test, with no failure on any portion within the last 12 months.
• No assignment on file - personnel with an approved follow-on assignment can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Airmen receiving a selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) are eligible to apply. For those selected to serve in a key developmental position, future SRB payments will be affected. Although members would maintain their primary and control AFSCs and could stay qualified within their respective AFSCs, they would no longer serve within the specialty, which is a requirement to maintain SRB payments.

For Airmen to avoid recoupment of an SRB, they must have completed at least 50 percent of the current enlistment and agree to waive all remaining payments. However, if an Airman accepts a key developmental position before completing at least 50 percent of the current enlistment, recoupment will be required.

Permanent change of station consideration:
• For permanent change of station consideration, an Airman’s return from an overseas date must be within the report-no–later-than-date window to apply. Airmen with an indefinite overseas return date are eligible for nomination and PCS consideration.
• Airmen stationed stateside must have at least 24 months’ time on station as of the RNLTD to be eligible to PCS.

Approximately six months prior to a senior master sergeant key developmental position becoming vacant, the vacancy will be advertised on the Equal Plus listing. The key developmental chief master sergeant enlisted positions on headquarters Air Force staff and the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy commandant position (9D100) will be filled through the Air Force Chief’s Group nomination process. Once the advertisement period ends, the Air Force Personnel Center enlisted assignments branch will forward eligible applications to the hiring authority for selection.

“The Airmen serving in these positions will shape our future,” Cody said. “They will lead Air Force initiatives and influence future policies. The Air Force will benefit for years to come."

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