Saturday, April 25, 2015

USSTRATCOM Commander observes Buckley's capabilities, engages service members

by Airman 1st Class Luke W. Nowakowski
460 Space Wing Public Affairs

4/21/2015 - BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Adm. Cecil D. Haney, Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, visited Buckley Air Force Base, Colo., April 20, to view firsthand the missile warning mission for which the base is recognized.

Haney toured Buckley AFB's facilities and observed their missile warning operations. He also held an all hands call, where he emphasized the importance of their role in overcoming current and future strategic challenges and took questions from Team Buckley members.

"You are a big part of my war fighting mission," said Haney. "You're a big part of my ability to prevent, detect, and deter a strategic attack against the United States of America or our Allies."

Col. Michael L. Jackson, 460th Operations Group Commander, saw Admiral Haney's visit to Buckley as an exceptional opportunity for the base to showcase its capabilities.

"Admiral Haney is an absolute pro at space capabilities across the board," stated Jackson. "He's our nation's leader for space capabilities. For him to come here is an incredible opportunity for him to see what our wonderful professionals in the space arena are doing. This mission is one of the most important missions in his entire portfolio, if not the most important mission."

Jackson also explained how an opportunity to directly interact with the USSTRATCOM commander is valuable for Airmen and leaders alike.

"We get to directly explain to him the wonderful mission we do, the manner in which we do it, the challenges we overcome every single day and the partnerships we rely upon every single day to get this incredible mission of missile warning done," said Jackson.

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