Thursday, April 23, 2015

One IG, two AMC-level wins

by Airman 1st Class Tara Fadenrecht
22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

4/22/2015 - MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- Recently, the 22nd Air Refueling Wing's Inspector General Office brought home two 2014 Air Mobility Command-level awards.

The Maj. Gen. Junius W. Jones IG Award recognizes the outstanding commander's inspection program whose performance is proactive as well as above and beyond the completion of day-to-day mission requirements.

The Lt. Gen. John P. Flynn IG Award recognizes the IG complaints resolution program office that best embodies the six fundamental characteristics of Flynn's leadership model: integrity, justice, compassion, loyalty, courage and spirit.

The IG team attributes much of its success to the continuous support they've received throughout the year.

"This program wouldn't be what it is without the support of the entire wing," said Lt. Col. Dan Haman, 22nd ARW IG. "When we have large scale exercises the team that goes out there and notes what and how we're doing comes from the entire wing populace."

Even after two big wins, the team plans to continue practicing excellence in their daily tasks.

"We're looking to make an impact on training by training Airmen and civilians on what we do and on their rights and responsibilities," said Randy Cowell, ARW director of complaints resolution. "When Airmen come in with issues, our key focus is to take those off their shoulders so they can focus on the mission."

The Air Force-level winners for these awards will be announced in May.

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