Monday, April 27, 2015

100th LRS roll out new DUI prevention application

by Gina Randall
100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

4/23/2015 - RAF MILDENHALL, England  -- The issue of preventing drunk driving incidents is ongoing for all commanders and their units. The Air Force can't afford a single loss of an Airman or their family members through a DUI.

The 100th Logistics Readiness Squadron leadership aim to ensure their members are practicing prevention of any future fatalities on the roads on or off-base through drink driving.

"It is my opinion that as leaders we often attempt to address problems for a generation that we often do not understand," said Maj. Michael Boswell, 100th LRS commander. "Since the millennial generation is defined by their dependency on technology, it stands to reason that technology may be the best avenue to deal with this pervasive issue."

Boswell is passionate about the issue and entrusted a member of his unit to come up with an idea.

"Maj. Boswell came to me and asked me to find out a way to make (a tool everyone could use)," said Airman 1st Class Tynisha Spencer, 100th LRS traffic management journeyman from Fairfield, California.

Drunk driving is unacceptable in the Air Force and society, and Spencer saw there needed to be a way forward.

"We had several DUI incidents in our squadron," Spencer said. "We were wondering why we were getting DUIs as people know they need to use Airmen Against Drunk Driving or use a taxi. The DUI application is a way to say you don't have to drink and drive, there are other alternatives, and this is one of the alternatives."

Spencer thought about a simple tool anyone could use when they weren't in control after one too many drinks.

"It's a designated driver application for people who have a plan and their first plan failed," said Spencer. "The application allows the user to call anyone on it without having to go through their whole address book in their phone. It's in one simple place, and it's easy."

There is never an excuse to get behind the wheel while drunk, and not knowing a number to call is no longer a reason in the 100th LRS.

"It's an application on your phone that you press, the icon is always on your screen, you just tap it when you need it," Spencer said. "If you want to click AADD then you just click their button and it asks you if you want to make the call, and you hit call. You don't have to memorize numbers with the application."

The application can be made specific for each person so they can choose who they need to call.

"There's a number for AADD or a taxi company, or whoever you want to pick you up, your supervisor, or if need be, the commander," she added. "It just calls straight to them."

Some people may not call a taxi if they are unsure where their location is, or the taxi cannot find them if they have given an incorrect location, so they feel as if they have no choice but to drive themselves home, even when they know they shouldn't. For people new to a base and country, they may not know the name of the place they are located. This application can help.

"It also maps out your location," Spencer explained. "So if you don't know exactly where you are you can easily send your location in a text message so you can be found. The text message is a map with a pin to show where you are."

The 100th LRS know there is a long way to go to eradicate drunk driving. However, if this application saves just one life, then it will have been worth the effort.

"We can't fully prevent DUI's, but we definitely want to lessen them within our squadron and hopefully one day the Air Force," Spencer stated. "Just now it is open to the 100th LRS to see how the trial run goes and how the squadron works with it. We hope that the whole Air Force will use it in the future and save lives throughout the world."

Boswell is proud of what his Airman has achieved.

"As Airmen we often celebrate renovation of ideas vice embracing and fostering innovation," Boswell explained. "Airman Spencer has exhibited true innovation and creativity and has excelled far beyond my expectations."

Currently the application is completed but in the testing stage to iron out any problems before rolling out across the squadron, and potentially the world.

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