Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Navy Reserves Celebrate Centennial in Korea during Exercise Key Resolve

From Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea Public Affairs

BUSAN, Republic of Korea (NNS) -- Navy Reserve personnel assigned to the U.S. 7th Fleet and Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the Navy Reserve while forward deployed for the annual Foal Eagle command-post exercise in Busan, Republic of Korea (ROK), March 3.

Congress authorized the establishment of the Federal Naval Reserve, March 3, 1915.

Navy Operational Support Centers and reserve detachments across the Navy are marking the centennial with celebrations throughout the nation and at duty stations across the world.

"On the Navy Reserve's 100th birthday, 92 Sailors from the U.S. 7th Fleet reserve staff are at sea and at six locations throughout the Republic of Korea (ROK) in support of Key Resolve 15," said Capt. Joey Dodgen, commanding officer, Navy Reserve 7th Fleet. "I cannot think of a better place to be today as we serve forward as part of the 7th Fleet team on this significant day."

Navy Reserve Sailors participating in Key Resolve are showcasing the operational integration of Navy active duty and reserve forces, demonstrating the CNO's priority of operating forward while ensuring the U.S. and ROK alliance remains prepared and ready for contingencies.

"We are honored to be serving alongside our Korean counterparts as we celebrate this important milestone for our reserve force," said Capt. Darren Hanson, vice commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea. "I remain proud of our reserve Sailors who serve their nation with distinction and strengthen our important alliance with the Republic of Korea."

Navy Reserve Sailors deliver essential skills and capabilities that complement critical Navy missions and provide best practices, technical skills, process management, and demonstrated leadership from vastly different work cultures in the civilian sector.

Initially, the only Sailors eligible to enroll in the Navy Reserve were enlisted Navy veterans. On August 29, 1916, with the prospect of America's entry into World War I looming, the Navy Reserve reorganized to allow the enrollment of non-veterans and was designated as the U.S. Naval Reserve force.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, there have been more than 70,000 Selected Reserve mobilizations, along with an additional 4,500 deployments by Full-Time Support Sailors, including more than 8,000 who have done a second combat tour.

With nearly one quarter of the Navy Reserve force providing support to the active-duty Navy on any given day, today's Navy Reserve is the most combat- and operationally-experienced force in decades.

For 100 years Navy Reserve Sailors have answered our nation's call in times of war and peace. From communities across America, men and women have left their homes and jobs, trading out civilian clothes for Navy uniforms. From its earliest days, the Navy Reserve has reflected the face of the nation, welcoming members from every race, color, creed and gender to strengthen the Navy and its enduring presence around the world.

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