Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Carter Honors Navy Reserve as Centennial Observance Begins

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, March 3, 2015 – The Navy Reserve is beginning a yearlong celebration of its centennial, and Defense Secretary Ash Carter today offered his congratulations to “this great American institution for 100 years of distinguished service in defense of this country.”

In every conflict since World War I, reserve sailors have served with courage and distinction, making vital contributions to the history of the Navy and the nation, Carter said in a statement.

“That tradition continues today,” the secretary said. “I thank each of our reserve sailors and their families for their service and sacrifice. And I thank all the civilian employers and communities that support our reservists.

“The men and women of the Department of Defense celebrate the Navy Reserve's heritage this year,” Carter continued. “We salute the reserve sailors serving around the world today. And we commend the Navy Reserve for being ready always.”

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