Monday, March 09, 2015

Base builds international relationships

by Senior Airman Janelle Patiño
92nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

3/9/2015 - FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- Six Japanese nursing students and their instructors from Iwate Prefectural University in Morioka, Japan toured the base March 3.

They were here through Washington State University's Iwate Prefectural University Study Program to encourage interaction and learning and introduce them to new customs such as the military culture.

The students were able to see the 92nd Operations Support Squadron control tower, the 92nd Medical Group and the 92nd MDG Aerospace Physiology.

"We appreciate them for taking time out of their schedule to give us a chance to show our base and our clinic," said Maj.  Julie Anderson, 92nd Aerospace Medical Squadron flight medicine clinic nurse manager. "Their visit gave us a chance to share a particular view of military nursing that most people don't see such as the flight clinic, public health nursing and others."

According to Maiko Saito, an Iwate Prefectural University student, their visit on base was a good experience for them.

"It was my first time visiting a military base so I'd like to thank Fairchild for showing us a glimpse of what it is like to be a nurse in the military," she said. "Thank you also for giving us a chance to share the Japanese culture and lifestyle with your Airmen."

According to Anderson, the tour was one way for the base to continue good relationships with the community.

"Welcoming schools onto our base is one way of building a strong and long-lasting relationship with the community and it was an honor for me to be able to have given a chance to participate in one," Anderson said. "It's important for us to be good neighbors and citizens."

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