Thursday, February 05, 2015

USAF, JGSDF helicopter crews create cohesiveness for future missions

by Senior Airman Michael Washburn
374th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

2/5/2015 - YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- Service members from the 459th Airlift Squadron invited Japan Ground Self-Defense Force members from Camp Higashi-Tachikawa to ride along in two UH-1 Huey helicopters Jan. 29 near Tokyo, Japan.

The ride along gave JGSDF members a better understanding of the Air Force's aerial formations, maneuvers and terminology to create cohesiveness between how the two countries operate.

"The objective for this is to help introduce [the JGSDF] to our procedures and how we fly our helicopters and help us understand how they fly theirs," said U.S. Air Force Capt. Thomas Powell, 459th AS chief of current operations. "This would help if we ever wanted to do a joint mission between our helicopter units."

For the most part, JGSDF and U.S. helicopter crews operate the aircraft the same way; the differences lie in the technical terms and jargon.

"The big thing is to get the terminology correct between the two of us," Powell said. "So if we say something to them, they know exactly what we're talking about."

While in the air with the U.S. members, the JGSDF pilots observed several different formations such as staggered, combat cruise and combat spread, along with maneuvers like hook turns, check turns, digs and pinches.

"For us, it was extremely helpful to have a clear understanding of the tactics and equipment you [U.S. forces] use and how they differ from ours," said JGSDF Capt. Fujimoto, helicopter pilot.

Powell said that overall this type of training is crucial because it helps instill confidence in JGSDF members.

"If they ever needed our help, we are available and willing to help them," he said. "At the same time, we're capable to fly with them in the same environment without causing a hazard or other problems."

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