Thursday, January 08, 2015

Neighbors helping neighbors: Air Force maintenance team work with Chileans to build a more secure tomorrow

by Staff Sgt. Adam Grant
12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Public Affairs

1/8/2015 - DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB, Ariz. -- Active engagement with our neighbors in Central America, South America and the Caribbean contributes to regional and U.S. security.   The U.S. military builds this regional security through sustained engagement with partner nations to deter adversaries, preserve stability, support allies and partners, and cooperate with others to address common security challenges.

Master Sgt. Jeremy Jacobs, 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Tactical Aircraft Manager, was the team lead for a four-week training session that took place in both Antofagasta and Iquique, Chile, that focuses on perfecting maintenance procedures and the use of night vision goggles.

Alongside him from the United States Air Force was Master Sgt. Cari Webb, 563rd Operations Support Squadron Aircrew Flight Equipment Superintendent, and Tech. Sgt. Jeffrey Kelley, 372nd Training Squadron Detachment 12 F-16 Avionics Instructor.

The four week journey which corresponded with United States Southern Commands priorities of building partner capacity through sustained engagement gave Airmen of 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) first hand experience at assisting in the building of partner capacity.

During their time in Chile the members visited Fuerza Aérea de Chile (Chilean Air Force) bases throughout Chile. They were able to work with members of the Chilean Air Force and stand up a system to be used in Antofagasta, which led to members being fully qualified on the system.

"This experience has been both useful and important for both sides and has brought us closer together for the overall goal of success," said Chilean Air Force Sargento 2 Andres Bahamondes-Velasquez.

As the week progressed signs of strengthening partnership where shown through the exchange of personal experiences in areas such a technical order.

"One of the biggest things I've noticed is the desire for the Chilean's to progress their air force and take amazing steps towards the future," said Jacobs.

During their time in Chile the 12th Air Force members were able to successfully meet all training objectives will also establishing a very strong partnership.

"It was really rewarding to work with them," said Master Sgt. Jeremy Jacobs, 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Tactical Aircraft Manager.  "The partnerships that we've developed with them has been very instrumental, some times its not about the assistance that you provide but what you can learn from the individuals your assisting and during this trip I've learned that though we follow technical orders sometimes it takes a little initiative, and good decision making to think outside the box to accomplish task."

The team learned that though they do things slightly different both had the same goals of wanting to better their Air Forces and keep sorties in the air.

"Working with the members from the United States Air Force has been amazing, their knowledge of the different systems is great but I think the part that amazed me was when I was able to actually assist them and showed them a few different ways to do things that make the different pieces to the equipment last longer and make common task more efficient," said Chilean Air Force Cabo 1 Pedro Aguilera, Life Support Technician.

The team has been partnering with Chilean Air Force for the last 15 months and during that time has seen success with working with the Chileans and look forth to future endeavors.

"To see the members of the Chilean Air Force pick up on the information while being able fully understand the information is very good, but the remarkable part is that their able to then find ways of actually improving what we've been able to explain to them and that ingenuity is propelling their air force in the right direction, said Webb.

The team has had a first row seat in both viewing and building partner capacity and look forward to future endeavors with the Chilean Air Force.

"It was really rewarding to work with them, but the partnership that we've developed with them has been very instrumental, sometimes it's not about the assistance that you provide but what you can learn from the individuals your assisting and during this trip I've learned a lot from the Chilean air force," said Jacobs.

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