Friday, January 09, 2015

Hagel Meets With Slovak Defense Minister at Pentagon

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2015 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Defense Minister Martin Glváč of Slovakia discussed issues of mutual concern during a meeting at the Pentagon today, according to a statement provided by Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby.

Kirby’s statement reads as follows:

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel met with [Slovak] Defense Minister Martin Glváč this morning at the Pentagon.

Secretary Hagel thanked Minister Glváč for their contributions to NATO and international security, particularly for Slovakia's offer to donate ammunition to support the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq and their continued contribution in Afghanistan to include the deployment of 66 personnel to support the Government of Afghanistan.

They also discussed investments in defense. Minister Glváč assured Secretary Hagel that Slovakia will fulfill the obligations to which they committed at the summit in Wales. Minister Glváč highlighted that Slovakia committed to spending 1.6 percent of GDP on defense by 2020 and by 2016, they plan to allocate 20 percent of the defense budget for modernization.

Secretary Hagel and Minister of Defense Glváč discussed deepening their strategic cooperation regarding Slovakia's military modernization plans. Secretary Hagel endorsed Slovakia's modernization efforts, pledged his support of Slovakia's plan to modernize its helicopter fleet and urged Slovakia to consider U.S. origin helicopters to increase interoperability.

Finally, they discussed support to Ukraine, emphasizing that the U.S. and Slovakia continue to present a united front with NATO to deal with Russia's aggressive behavior in the region. Secretary Hagel particularly welcomed the humanitarian and development aid, military training, and the reverse flow of gas Slovakia is providing to support Ukraine's security.

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