Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dempsey to attend high-level defense meetings in Rome, Brussels

By Lisa Ferdinando
Army News Service

ROME, Jan. 18, 2015 – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey arrived here today for meetings with senior Italian defense officials.

Italy is a critical ally in the fight against terrorism, defense officials said, noting the nation’s strong contribution to the operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

"Italy is a key defense cooperation partner for the United States and is a recognized leader in international efforts against ISIL and in Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon, the Balkans and Syria," said a defense official speaking on background.

Additionally, the United States military is thankful for the leadership role of the Italians on NATO's southern flank, the official said.

"We look forward to their continued support in building the capacity of NATO's partners in the Mediterranean and North Africa," the defense official said.

Following Rome, the chairman travels on to Brussels to attend a two-day NATO Military Committee conference, where he will meet with international allies to discuss issues including Afghanistan and the fight against ISIL.

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