Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Culture Shift

by Airman 1st Class Kyle Johnson
673d WSA

1/14/2015 - JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON -- According to, Sexual assault reports are on the rise, and have been for years now.

This is a good sign.

An increase in reports directly testifies to a culture shift in the force structure. People who are experiencing sexual assaults are proving to be more likely to report it, which allows commanders to weed out the perpetrators and in turn create a safer environment for everyone.

However, one sexual assault is too many, said Air Force Col. Brian Bruckbauer, commander of the JBER 673d Air Base Wing.

There are computer based training programs and power points galore, but commanders at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson have been looking to approach this issue from a fundamentally new angle to continue the forward progress and spark a cultural change.

Statistics from indicate that 61% of sexual assault completed investigations happen to persons under the age of 25 and 19% do not have an age documented. This means that potentially 80% of completed investigations are in that demographic.

With this in mind, JBER commanders have assembled a team of volunteers to provide first hand insight into what this target age group thinks of the current Sexual Assault Prevention Response training and what they think can be done differently to create results.

What was originally designed as a short-term feedback session to provide new information on preventing sexual assaults to senior leadership has developed into a permanent advisory initiative made up of volunteers with a unique perspective on sexual assault prevention.

Members volunteered to be part of the task force October 26, 2014 and after consultation with their chain of command were accepted when Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson Sexual Assault Prevention Response Task Force, (JBER SAPR Task Force-JSTF) formed, November 6, 2014.

Darmaly Williams, the sexual assault prevention and response program manager for the 673d Air Base Wing explained the JSTF is composed entirely of Airmen in the target population that experiences the most sexual assaults. Their task is to give the command staff a peek inside the mind of the younger service members.

Some questions need to be answered - like:

Are they taking SAPR briefings seriously?

In what context do sexual assaults happen?

Why do victims decline to report?

By consulting with the JSTF, senior leadership is able to get an idea of the needs of this audience and begin to tailor SAPR training specifically for them, Williams said.

"We are trying to establish communication, instead of one-way direction," said Williams. "If you don't listen to your customer, how can you improve your service?"

When the JSTF met with JBER commanders Dec. 12, they suggested that they continue to provide information to the commanders as a force multiplier of the installation's SAPR office.

Williams said after everything was put on the table, the commanders decided to continue engaging with JSTF long-term, as it became apparent there was a lot more coming from this effort than originally expected.

"They don't just want to see change, they want to be part of the change," Williams explained. "It's inspiring."

"JSTF members have direct access to commanders and senior enlisted advisors through quarterly meetings," Bruckbauer said. "During these meetings, JSTF members provide feedback on current initiatives, report concerns they experience or that have been brought to their attention, and offer solutions they feel will best resonate with our Airmen."

"Computer-based training and the occasional SAPR down days highlighted a problem, but did not encourage a different kind of culture," said Bruckbauer.

"We are resolved to inspire a change in behavior, and are striving to shape an audience that is receptive and responsive rather than discouraged and potentially apathetic," Bruckbauer continued.

"It's important to us that the community understands we are open to listen; we want them to speak up, to let us know how they feel, and to let us know what they need," Williams said. "We are trying to change a culture, so we need all the help we can get."

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