Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mobility tours in Las Vegas

by Staff Sgt. Robert Barnes
UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Band of the Golden West

12/17/2014 - TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- On Nov. 16, Mobility Rock Band from the U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West launched a four-concert tour in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The band is stationed at Travis Air Force Base, California, and was touring in Nevada to represent Airmen from Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases within their local communities.

The tour began with a performance Nov. 16 at the Las Vegas Rock 'n Roll Marathon.  One of 21 bands along the route, Mobility was static at mile marker 11 and played upbeat music to motivate over 25,000 runners.

The second tour location was the Children's Hospital at the University of Nevada Medical Center, where the group performed a strolling acoustic show for the troops and patients.  Erica Nansen, community relations coordinator for the center, said the group's talent greatly surpassed her expectations.

"Not only do all of you possess musical talent, but it was evident you wanted to be here and were really enjoying yourselves.  Before you even left the building, I got numerous requests to invite you to come back to play for us again" Nansen said. "As you are aware, there were several patients who were deeply touched by the notes you played and the words you sang."

Master Sgt. Douglas Tejada, NCO in charge of the group, believes performing for hospitals is important because of the healing power of music.

"We are the Air Force's musical ambassadors and it is vital that we engage the local population in meaningful ways," Tejada said. "We also had the opportunity to inform the local community that the Airmen working in Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases don't just live in those communities ... they are part of those communities."

For their final stop of the tour, the band inspired over 700 youth during two shows at Las Vegas High School.  Mobility performed such popular cover tunes as "Everything Is Awesome" from the Lego movie and "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor, which really connected with the students.

The mission of the Band of the Golden West is to build partnerships with local communities and tell the Air Force story.  As a part of Air Mobility Command, the band represents the excellence of Mobility Airmen who provide humanitarian airlift, aerial refueling and cargo support all over the world.

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