Thursday, October 02, 2014

Ohio reserve loadmasters train ANG, Army Reserve personnel

by Tech. Sgt. Frank Oliver
445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

10/1/2014 - TOLEDO, Ohio  -- Ohio Army and Air National Gaurdsmen at the Toledo Express Airport here got familiarization training with the C-17 Globemaster III from the Air Force Reserve's 89th Airlift Squadron, from nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

Sixteen loadmasters from 89th AS showed the Guardsmen how to properly load and configure the aircraft.

"I picked loads that people normally don't see. We loaded a couple of five tons trucks and a mobile command center, which we don't see at all when we are on the road. We wanted them to see everything this aircraft is capable of doing," said Master Sgt. Craig Essert, 89th AS standardization and evaluation loadmaster.

Essert said 51 people from the other units got an opportunity to fly on the aircraft and he received great feedback concerning the flight.

Tech. Sgt. Kelly Earehart, also a loadmaster with the 89th said, "It's nice just to get out with the Guard and let them see our airplane and see what we do, but it's also nice to get our new guys out and get them some training on a UTA [unit training assembly] weekend."

Three Airmen cross-training into the loadmaster career field benefitted from the weekend's training and were given a chance to see what the job is all about, said Earehart.

At the conclusion of the training, members of the 180th Fighter Wing expressed an interest in making this an annual training event for all five Ohio ANG units.

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