Friday, October 31, 2014

Officials List Medical Protocols for DoD Civilians

By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Oct. 31, 2014 – Pentagon officials today issued a memorandum that lays out the protocols civilian employees will follow upon return from deploying to West Africa.

DoD civilians deploy alongside service members in the fight against Ebola, and they need to follow medical protocols upon return from the region, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said today.

Civilian employees deploying as part of Operation Unified Assistance in western Africa must follow one of two options upon redeployment. They must choose the option they wish to follow before leaving the theater, Kirby said.

Details of Options

One option is active monitoring and return to normal activities. “Under this option, DoD civilian employees will comply with guidance from the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], state and local public health authorities unless otherwise directed,” Kirby said during a Pentagon news conference. “This includes returning to normal work duties, routines and life activities consistent with that guidance.”

DoD components will comply with active monitoring guidance in the memorandum, including twice-daily temperature checks.

The second option is to voluntarily participate in military-controlled monitoring, the press secretary said. “Under this option, DoD components will allow civilian employees to voluntarily participate in the same control procedures that military personnel will be undergoing,” Kirby said.

All service members and civilians would go through a 21-day post-deployment active monitoring period upon return. No leave or temporary duty or temporary additional duty will be authorized outside the local area, to ensure continued face-to-face monitoring, he added.

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