Thursday, October 02, 2014

Navy Establishes Information Dominance Forces

From Navy Information Dominance Forces Public Affairs Office

SUFFOLK, Va. (NNS) -- The Navy established the Information Dominance Forces Command (NAVIDFOR) as the U.S. Navy's newest Type Command, Oct. 1.

NAVIDFOR is a global readiness-focused TYCOM, responsible for organizing, manning, training, equipping (MT&E) and identifying requirements for all Navy Information Dominance (ID) capabilities.

"The standup of Navy Information Dominance Forces Command is a significant step in the right direction," said Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, during a recent All Hands call for Navy Cyber Forces. "The Information Dominance Corps Type Command allows for a more holistic approach that was not possible in the past."

NAVIDFOR will consolidate and align missions, functions and tasks previously managed by separate ID commands to improve the generation and sustainment of ID force readiness across the Navy.

"The Navy's Information Dominance Corps (IDC) requires a dedicated TYCOM that integrates and balances representation from each of the constituent Navy IDC components," said Rear Adm. Diane E.H. Webber, NAVIFOR's type commanger. "The standup of the NAVIDFOR TYCOM directly supports integration of ID capabilities throughout the Navy and is a natural progression in the development of an ID force capable of delivering assured command and control, battlespace awareness and integrated fires."

The IDC was formed in 2009 and built on the deep expertise and strengths of the officers/enlisted, active/reserve and civilian workforce from the oceanography/meteorology, information professional, information warfare, naval intelligence and space cadre. The IDC is an inter-disciplinary corps that possesses an innate understanding of potential adversaries and the battlespace, is able to accurately identify targets, and brings an array of non-kinetic, offensive and defensive capabilities to the fight in the Information Age.

"NAVIDFOR's establishment is the next step in the evolution of ID as a Navy warfighting discipline," said Webber. "NAVIDFOR will coordinate closely with other ID commands and the Navy's existing platform TYCOMs to fulfill MT&E responsibilities that sustain ID readiness for the Fleet."

Beginning today, resources and personnel are being realigned to support the transition of functions under one TYCOM. NAVIDFOR is expected to be fully operational by Dec. 31, 2014. Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler will relieve Rear Adm. Diane E.H. Webber as Commander, NAVIDFOR Oct. 3.

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