Tuesday, October 07, 2014

727th Airman moves cargo at moment's notice

by Gina Randall
100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

10/6/2014 - RAF MILDENHALL, England  -- Senior Airman Felicia Zimmer is a 727th Air Mobility Squadron Air Freight specialist from Nashville, Tennessee, and she said she chose her career field wisely.

"I believe that my career field is one that offers Airmen so many opportunities. We are able to develop and learn many types of skills throughout our work," Zimmer explained.

Some of her duties include moving cargo and passengers alike across the globe and the Air Force cargo can include different types of mail, medical specimens, blood, household goods, courier cargo, human remains and mission capability cargo by way of air and ground. She also performs additional duties such as joint inspection while still acting as another liaison for her unit alongside a unit that may be mobilized at a moment's notice, ensuring cargo is airworthy and documented properly.

"There is no one set routine or day for my career field. You have to be able to think on your feet, quickly and critically," the Nashville native said.

The Airman said she enjoys her role in the Air Force and her time working in a small team.

"The part that I most enjoy about my job is the friendships and the relationships that I build. When you work together night and day, sometimes in small groups, to achieve such a large scale mission, you really come together as a team," the specialist reflected. "You learn to work off each other's strengths and overcome the weaknesses of the group as a whole. There is definitely a team concept within my career field."

Her team is diverse and different from other work stations around RAF Mildenhall.

"I work more with the Ministry of Defense civilians than I do with Air Force military members most of the time, it's great! I love working with the MOD," she exclaimed. "They have the best stories, know the best places to go and eat, the local treasures, the best deals and they treat me like family."

She said she has built a close relationship with members of the host nation in her work center.

"I am the only female freighter right now with about 30 MOD personnel and they really watch out for me, treat me like a sister, daughter or what have you," Zimmer added. "They are some of the best people that I have ever had the honor to meet and work with."

Since arriving at RAF Mildenhall, with the help of colleagues, she said she has grown as a person and as an Airman.

"Professionally, I would have to say that I have allowed myself to really open my ears and listen. I've tried to step up my game at work, being more accountable for my actions, supporting my supervisors, especially my NCO in charge, and learning all that I can from them," she explained. "Once you step out of your own way as an Airman, it's amazing what you will learn."

As a service member, she knows days don't always go exactly as planned. Zimmer said she must adapt and overcome in order to push forward and lead her fellow Airmen.

"Strive every day to be the best Airmen that you can be and learn from your mistakes, your opportunities and those individuals around you," Zimmer stated. "Learn that the world is bigger than you, strive to see the bigger picture of the Air Force and understand your role."

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