Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Chiefs Pinned at DC Navy Memorial

From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Thirty-four new chief petty officers were pinned at an official pinning ceremony held at the Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C., Sept. 16.

Vice Adm. Bill Moran, chief of naval personnel, was on hand as the guest speaker and delivered prepared remarks to a crowd of family, friends and fellow chief petty officers there to support and celebrate this significant milestone.

This is the 121st class of chief petty officers to join the Chiefs Mess, following a long legacy of senior enlisted leadership.

CNP Remarks as delivered:

"What an awesome day! I am absolutely thrilled to be here...and honored to participate in what is arguably the most celebrated of all ceremonies in our Navy...and a Joint pinning ceremony, at that - courtesy of the United States Air Force.

Friends, families and Distinguished Guests: Good afternoon! And to so many members of the public in the background, please join us...celebrate with us today!

To these new Chief Selects up here - congratulations....for some of you this day has arrived pretty fast for others it's taken the better part of a 20 year career...but all of that is in the past, from here on out you, along with over 3900 others, have a new start...a rebirth if you will...well done!

Pinning ceremonies like this one are going on all over the world today, wherever the Navy is - but I can't imagine a more prominent setting than this one.

Our Capital's original architect, Pierre L'Enfant - conceived this memorial "to celebrate the first rise of the Navy and consecrate its progress and achievements"...well is took a while, but it was finally completed...in 1987...talk about a continuing resolution...

Some things never change.

But our Navy was patient to get it right...and thanks to the Navy Memorial Foundation, and a Nation who truly loves her Navy...here we are...along Pennsylvania venue...honoring one of our proudest and happiest traditions in Naval service...on a spectacular September afternoon...to "consecrate the progress and achievements" of 35 of our Navy's newest members of the Mess...

I've already been warned by my Fleet Master Chief, April Beldo -

That although these awesome Sailors will never forget where they were when their leadership team told them the news that they were selected for Chief Petty Officer...Or forget when they donned khakis for the first time, staring in the mirror, admiring the view...Most likely, not a single one of them will remember a word spoken today.

So allow me a few thankful words to our families, friends and mentors present today...Listen, we would not have this Navy, or the opportunity to serve...nor, if proven worthy, the opportunity to lead...
if not for our families who support us....and serve every bit as much as we do.

To you, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, daughters and sons, grandparents, uncles and aunts, let me say, on behalf of our entire Navy: Thank You.

Thank you for raising these Sailors to serve a cause greater than self. Thank you for sharing the joys and the sacrifice, the pain and the victories...the heart ache of long separations, and the eye-watering joy of reunions...this day is largely due to you, and we thank you for these gifts of service to our Navy and nation.

To our larger Chief's Mess, mentors who are a bit more rested than the selects...and all our retired Chiefs - perhaps even more rested - and deservedly so....you are their source of strength, their watering place...their example...their new brothers and sisters...and when they look in the mirror from this day forward...they will also see you in the reflection.

Chief Petty Officers, past and present, family members, please stand until we are done thanking you, in a small way, with a round of applause.

Chief selects....I humbly offer only three short themes for you on this glorious NEW birthday of yours -

They are all centered upon the vital reason you were tested, selected, and soon, pinned as Genuine Chiefs: LEADERSHIP...and these themes are not new...they are simply honor, humility and courage.

The Chief -- has always been our bedrock of unchanging loyalty and integrity. I say those terms separately, with purpose: loyalty and integrity. They are not the same. It is your leadership that will mark the difference.

I'll never forget the best example of integrity and fierce loyalty I ever met - one of my former Command Master Chiefs, who said to his fellow Chiefs, before he strode ashore for the last time:

"Those anchors do not define you. You define what those anchors mean to the world."

In other words, from today forward, it's game on.

Honor those who got you here, honor those who plowed this ground long before you....LEAD with honor.

And after this glorious day is complete, past this celebration, past all the congratulations...it will not be about you...it will be about the Sailors you lead. And though today you all look very young to me...those Sailors out there are even younger...while they may observe officers, they study Chiefs...that means you...

So no end-zone dances, no spiking the ball...you aren't the cool, fast receivers in blue anymore (just a tip from an old guy)...you know how ridiculous defensive linemen look when they find themselves with the ball and score....please don't embarrass yourselves (humor)...

Seriously -- each one of you now represents the entire Mess to all of us - to a Nation. You're now full partners in our firm; you share in the profits of our success, and will carry the burdens of our toughest challenges. You also form our first line of courage....doing what's right, when right is right...it's about doing the right thing for the right reason...

And always giving the unvarnished truth - when asked, or more appropriately, when not asked....many say the Mess is the backbone of our Navy...I humbly offer that you are the conscience of our Navy.

Believe me, every day there will be an opportunity to look deep inside, to do what's right. And, as we all know, a few of your Sailors may, from time to time, disappoint you. I say, be glad for that disappointment, and smile with it. Lift them with your spirit as a united Mess. Measure women and men not by their mistakes, but how they recover from them. Reward failure, for without it, there is no true attempt at greatness.

Finally, let me speak of Engaged Leadership.

Despite the worst sandstorms of conflict around us, at home and abroad, the worst we can ever do is brace for impact, or hide or heads, and hope it just passes by.

No, we are all here to take a stand in the front...to always do the right thing.

When our Sailors are up working on the toughest tasks, late at night, they need you there...when our Sailors are in their spaces, studying to advance, they need you there...when our Sailors are out on liberty, releasing a little steam, they need you there.

And you know, when things go awry, it's human to blame others - the infamous "them" -- Well, you and I are now "them". We have the watch! And as long as our Mess stands united, as leaders of honor, leaders of humility, leaders of courage, nothing is impossible.

Class 1-2-1, marking 121 years of the Mess, I ask you, one more time:

To define each day what it means to be The Chief...and what those anchors mean to the world. God bless each one of you, you families and this great country...Navy Chief, Navy Pride.

Thank you."

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