Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Cannon “doomsday prepper” finalist in American Airman video challenge

by Erica Vega
Air Force Special Operations Command Public Affairs

8/20/2014 - HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- A self-proclaimed Air Force "doomsday prepper" from Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., is a finalist in the Air Force's American Airman video contest, and he needs your vote.

Senior Airman Nolan Payne, an emergency management journeyman assigned to the 27th Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron, represents Air Force Special Operations Command against 12 other Airmen in the Chief of Staff of the Air Force's sponsored competition. Payne used his video to express honor and pride in his career field in his own enthusiastic way.

In July, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III challenged Airmen to upload videos, no longer than 60 seconds long, to YouTube to tell their Air Force story in their own words. Welsh said, "Our Airmen are an amazing communication resource. No one tells the Air Force story like they do."

Fifty-three Airmen submitted entries from 14 different organizations Air Force-wide. The winner will be determined by the highest number of YouTube "likes." Voting began Aug. 12 and ends Aug. 22 at 3:00 p.m. CDT. The winning video will be announced Sept. 15 and highlighted at the Air Force Association's Air and Space Conference and Technology Exposition in Washington, D.C.

Be sure to check out his video along with all of the other finalists videos at and vote for Team AFSOC.

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