Friday, September 12, 2014

3 Things to Know about the RAND Military Workplace Study

From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- On behalf of the Department of Defense (DOD), the RAND Corporation is conducting a Military Workplace Study that includes a survey of Sailors that is projected to conclude Sept. 24.

The Military Workplace Study is critical to helping DOD better understand workplace conditions and act to ensure a safe and professional work environment. This is a chance for Sailors to be heard by senior leaders.

Here are three things you need to know about the RAND Military Workplace Study:

1. Invitations to take a survey in support of this study were sent to 100% of female active duty Sailors, E-1 to O-6 (with more than 6 months of service), and a quarter of randomly selected active duty males. If invited, Sailors are encouraged to participate in the survey. Sailors who have not received an invitation, but think they should, may contact the RAND Corporation by calling the survey help desk at 1-855-365-5914 (OCONUS call collect 240-453-2620). Once your identity is verified, you will be emailed the survey information and passcode. You can also email the help desk at, stating you have not received the survey, including your telephone number and the best time to call you. The help desk will call to verify your information and make the necessary arrangements for your participation in the survey.

2. Results from this study will help senior leadership evaluate current military workplace relations, professionalism and personal safety to determine future policies, programs and training.

3. The survey is voluntary and confidential. No one in DOD will see any individual Sailor responses.

The survey opened on Aug. 14 and is projected to close Sept. 24.

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