Tuesday, September 30, 2014

19th AF activates under AETC

Published September 29, 2014

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Education and Training Command will re-activate a streamlined 19th Air Force Oct. 1, headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas.

Gen. Robin Rand, the AETC commander, will appoint Maj. Gen. Michael Keltz as the commander of the newly re-activated numbered air force.

"Activating 19th (Air Force) under AETC will allow for appropriate command and control, efficient management of limited resources, consistency across installations and will clarify responsibilities between the major command and subordinate units," said Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James.

The 19th Air Force was inactivated in 2012, in the hopes of gaining efficiencies. However, a review of mission oversight and execution, directed by Rand, showed a need for realigning responsibilities to reinforce proper command relationships and training oversight.

"This restructuring within AETC will move all formal aircrew flying training missions under General Keltz's command," said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III. "AETC has a wide range of responsibility when it comes to training and educating Airmen. Our flying training mission requires a significant level of coordinated oversight to ensure our Airmen in the skies remain the best in the world and 19th Air Force will take on that responsibility."

The 19th Air Force will include 19 training locations, 10 regular Air Force wings supported by six Guard and Reserve wings, approximately 32,000 personnel and more than 1,350 aircraft of 29 different models. No new positions or authorizations, including the commander's, will be created as a result of the new NAF. The infrastructure and manpower of 19th Air Force will be drawn from previously existing resources. The major general command position will shift from AETC's directorate of intelligence, operations and nuclear integration.

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