Friday, August 22, 2014

UH-1: A history of the Huey at Yokota

by Osakabe Yasuo
374th Airlift Wing public affairs

8/21/2014 - YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- More than half a century ago, the Bell Huey family of helicopters entered the Department of Defense inventory. The iconic helicopter became a symbol for the war in Vietnam, where the helicopter was a vital part of troop movements.

The UH-1 Iroquois first entered the Air Force inventory in 1964 and was used for Strategic Air Command missile support. The UH-1N model was brought into service in 1970 and one year later, the UH-1N's arrived at Yokota. Since then, these helicopters have provided humanitarian support, DV missions and search and rescue capabilities.

Yokota also uses the UH-1N to conduct bilateral training missions. Maintenance for the old, but reliable helicopters falls to the 374th Maintenance Group who ensures they continue to fly safely during any kind of mission.

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