Thursday, August 14, 2014

MUSE Supplies Power to the Horn of Africa

By Darrell E. Waller, Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center Public Affairs

PORT HUENEME, Calif. (NNS) -- The Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) Mobile Utilities Support Equipment (MUSE) division completed vital power upgrades at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ) Aug. 12.

A team of four Seabee MUSE technicians inspected and installed 10 700 kilowatt (kw) power plants and two fused disconnect switches during their visit. The power plants and new switches will provide power to the electrical grid during switching operations.

"The MUSE team brought important energy upgrades to Camp Lemonnier," said NAVFAC EXWC Commanding Officer Capt. Mark. K. Edelson. "Those changes will have a significant impact on the work being done in the Horn of Africa by military and civilian workers. Our MUSE team delivers energy solutions to U.S. military assets worldwide while employing a "can-do" approach in solving complex energy issues for supported commands."

The 10 power plants will provide an additional seven megawatts, along with 11 megawatts of prime power generation already in place, comprising 40 percent of total electrical production capacity at the camp. The team installed two transformers, increasing the mega volt amp (MVA) capability by five MVA.

The new power plants will make it easier for CLDJ personnel to keep power supplied to the entire camp while various portions of the grid are taken down and upgraded.

The Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center's MUSE division is based in Port Hueneme, California. MUSE technicians are selected from all Seabee rates to attend the Army Prime Power School located at Fort Leonard Wood, Montana. The rigorous year-long school curriculum consists of intensive academic and technical training focused on teaching students the principles of power production and transformation.

The Mobile Utilities Support Equipment division serves a number of supported commanders throughout the Navy and Department of Defense. It also supports shore establishment utility systems and cold-iron services throughout the world with supplemental equipment capable of electrical generation and transformation.

NAVFAC EXWC is the Navy's premier activity for facilities and expeditionary technology solutions, engineering services, equipment logistics and products needed to equip the fleet and meet warfighter requirements. EXWC also delivers specialized engineering and technology solutions that support sustainable facilities and provides logistics and expeditionary systems support for Navy combat force capabilities.

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