Thursday, July 24, 2014

AFSOUTH facilitates Global ALSO Instructor Course

by Tech. Sgt. Heather Redman
12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Public Affairs

7/24/2014 - Belize City, Belize  -- Three International Health Specialists and three non-governmental organization personnel supporting 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) provided a Global Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Instructor Course to eight Belizean healthcare providers.

Global ALSO is a training program designed to improve the skills and knowledge of maternal healthcare providers in regards to managing obstetric emergencies.

"The Global ALSO program is one more step, one more piece of the puzzle to decrease the maternal and neonatal mortality/morbidity rates throughout Belize," said Dr. Lesley Atwood, former ALSO Board Chair and Family Medicine Provider at Allina Health. "The team based, hands-on sessions are designed to complement the existing evidence based protocols from the Ministry of Health."

The need for an obstetric emergency course came about during New Horizons Belize 2013 when a group of International Health Specialists along with NGO Project H.O.P.E. conducted a week long maternal health assessment across the regional hospital, clinics, and health posts. The observations from the assessment enhanced the course discussions the following week when 30 Belizean healthcare providers from around the country went to Dangriga, Belize to attend the two day Global ALSO Provider Course.

Global ALSO has since been lauded by the Ministry of Health for significantly enhancing the capabilities of maternal healthcare providers throughout the country.

Activities, such as Global ALSO, are used to help improve the quality of life for the civilian populace within the AFSOUTH area of responsibility. AFSOUTH, with the support of NGOs, are helping to build the capacities of its partner nations by providing the essential tools and tips for the Ministry of Health to implement and sustain a successful Global ALSO training program.

"This week's events are the epitome of see one, do one, teach one. Last year, these eight healthcare providers completed the Global ALSO Provider Course, and today they have become ALSO Instructors. Now, they are able to showcase their expertise by conducting the Global ALSO Provider Course for their colleagues, in turn, enhancing maternal healthcare competencies throughout all regions of Belize," said SSgt Amy Easton, International Health Specialist at 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern).

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