Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Work Discusses Cooperation With British Defense Official

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 4, 2014 – Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work discussed areas of United States-United Kingdom cooperation during a Pentagon meeting with a senior British defense official yesterday.

Work met with Philip Dunne, the British Defense Ministry’s minister for equipment, support and technology, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Courtney Hillson, a spokeswoman for Work, said in a statement summarizing the meeting.

Work and Dunne discussed wide-ranging areas of defense cooperation, Hillson said, including shared procurement of the joint strike fighter, longstanding cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom on nuclear issues, and implementation of the Statement of Intent on Carrier Cooperation and Maritime Power Projection that was signed by then-Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond in September 2012.

“The two leaders also discussed U.S.-U.K. collaboration on future force planning, which was emphasized in DOD's recent Quadrennial Defense Review,” Hillson said. “Work and Dunne exchanged insights on how to sustain robust military capabilities in fiscally constrained times and noted the strategic, operational, and tactical benefits of defense cooperation for both nations.”

They also pledged to continue oversight of these efforts through a regular dialogue, she added.

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