Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Israeli Defense Minister Updates Hagel on Recent Developments

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 24, 2014 – Israeli Defense Minister Moshe “Boogie” Yaalon yesterday updated Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on recent developments, including the kidnapping of Israeli teenagers in the West Bank and a June 22 cross-border incident that killed an Israeli teenager and wounded two other Israelis, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said.

In a statement summarizing the phone call between the two defense leaders, Kirby said Hagel offered his sympathies for those affected by the violence in the Golan Heights, pledged continued U.S. support, and expressed his shared concern over the violence in Syria and Iraq.

The secretary also updated Yaalon on U.S. views on the events unfolding in the Middle East, the press secretary added.

“The two leaders agreed to continue working closely with one another on the broad range of security issues facing the United States and Israel,” Kirby said.

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