by Staff Sgt. Carlin Leslie
Air Force Public Affairs Agency
6/26/2014 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force is making major improvements to how it supports and empowers the Airmen who perform the nuclear mission.
Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson, the commander of Air Force Global Strike
Command, addressed members of the Air Force Association on how the Force
Improvement Program, or FIP, is fostering a culture of empowerment
among nuclear enterprise Airmen and helping restore nation's trust in
the Air Force's management of the nuclear enterprise.
"As we embarked on changes in the ICBM community -- we've had lots of
really high level reviews that have done a tremendous job of helping
shape where we are," Wilson said. "What's different about the Force
Improvement Program that we've got in place is that this is done by the
people who are doing the mission today."
The FIP is being driven by the officers and NCOs working in the field;
giving them a voice in how Global Strike completes the nuclear
deterrence mission. In just the intercontinental ballistic missiles, or
ICBM, portion of the FIP alone, more than 350 recommendations came to
his office unfiltered, and the majority of them were approved, the
general said.
"The power of it is the people who proposed the changes are the ones who
have to implement them," he said. "This was their idea, so they have
ownership of it."
But along with giving Airmen a voice in how the career field progresses,
another major area of concern is improving the manning. Recently, the
secretary of the Air Force approved adding approximately 1,100 positions
across the nuclear enterprise to ensure it is properly manned, Wilson
"We want to be 100 percent effectively manned by skill and location
across our eight critical nuclear (Air Force Specialty Codes) to make
sure we have the right skill level at the right bases," Wilson said. "We
don't have a margin for error. We can't ever afford to have our nuclear
forces go 'yellow' for manning."
In addition to ensuring the right skill level at the right bases, AFGSC
has revamped its educational and training to promote growth and
"We're also spending a lot of time on training," he said. "We're focused
on providing all the right education, training and experience, to make
sure (Airmen) are confident and proud ... and professionally fulfilled.
If I can do that, then we have mission success on this end."
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