Monday, June 23, 2014

CRW teaches in Honduras

by Capt. Elizabeth Peters
571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron, Aeromedical Evacuation Air Advisor

6/23/2014 - SOTO CANO AIR BASE, Honduras -- The 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron recently deployed a mobile training team to conduct a five-week engagement with the Fuerza Aérea Hondureña at Héctor Caraccioli Moncada and Soto Cano Air Bases in Honduras.

The 571st MSAS was augmented by a Reservist sensor operator from USSOUTHCOM, based out of Miami. A variety of Air Force advisors taught seminars on maintenance, intelligence, sensor management, fuels and airfield security for 46 Honduran service members from four different bases throughout Honduras from April 27 to May 31.

The joint seminars incorporated the Honduran air force and navy personnel for the first time at Base HCM and utilized capabilities not organic to the MSAS, provided by an augmentee.

The mission of the 571st MSAS, based out of Travis Air Force Base is to support the Air Force's Building Partner Capacity mission. According to Lt. Col. Katherine Callaghan, 571st MSAS mission commander for Honduras, "This was a fantastic opportunity to build a partnership and advise our Honduran partners on how to maximize their resources to promote regional stability, which in turn prevents conflict, thus protecting U.S. and partner nation interests."

During the fuels seminar air advisors worked alongside Honduran air force members to establish standardized fuels operations within the FAH. They focused on development, implementation and adoption of a fuels quality assurance program.

The course also included implementation of fuels emergency procedures. The fuels QA program was an important step in ensuring the Hondurans have a safe, efficient and effective fuels program to support their flying operations.

In addition to fuels, other seminars were aimed at improving procedures for maintaining, operating and protecting aircraft involved in counter-narcotics operations. The maintenance seminar covered basic ground handling and servicing of aircraft, as well as instruction on maintaining a variety of aircraft systems key to optimizing operation of the platform.

A major focus of the maintenance team was to improve FAH maintenance programs to enhance their Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance role in the joint counter-narcotics effort in Honduras.

Air advisors personnel also provided instruction on intelligence and airborne sensor operations. These efforts should improve the Honduran air force's intelligence procedures as well as increase understanding on how ISR systems work and how to plan missions.

"Having a strong partnership with the Honduran air force and navy not only provides guidance to set standards but enables mutual support and cooperation to better improve their joint force," said Tech. Sgt. Francisco Realegeno, 571st MSAS intelligence air advisor.

The aircraft security seminar focused on assessing and improving hangar, base and flight line procedures to protect counter-narcotics assets. FAH members performed vulnerability assessments and streamlined their challenge and detain methods.

"We were able to develop standard operating procedures to present to our leadership on aircraft security as well as create an operational instruction regarding security procedures," said Teniente Antonio Durón, base security supervisor, HCM, FAH.

With both MSAS and Air Force Reserve Command support, the Honduran air force is now better postured to support and execute ISR missions for counter-drug operations in key areas. The partnership built between the US and Honduras will serve to increase stability in the region and promote current and future cooperation and friendship between the two countries.

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