Monday, May 05, 2014

Work Takes Office as Deputy Defense Secretary

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel swore in his new deputy, Bob Work, during a ceremony in the Pentagon this morning.

Work -- who replaces Christine H. Fox, who agreed to serve as the interim deputy defense secretary when Ash Carter stepped down last year -- took the oath of office and immediately went down the hall to begin his new job.

President Barack Obama nominated Work -- a career Marine artillery officer -- for the position in February. He served as undersecretary of the Navy from 2009 to 2013. The Senate confirmed him as the new deputy defense secretary last week.

In a statement, Work said it was an honor to be confirmed as the nation’s 32nd deputy secretary of defense.

“I am humbled by the confidence President Obama and Secretary Hagel have placed in me and pledge to do everything possible to help maintain America's military edge,” he said. “Ash Carter and Christine Fox both distinguished themselves while serving as deputy secretary and have left a legacy of excellence.

“I look forward to following in their footsteps,” he continued, “and ensuring our service members, civilians and contractors have everything they need to protect our great nation and accomplish what we ask of them.”

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