Monday, May 05, 2014

UFC competitors visit McChord for annual Fit Tour

by Tech. Sgt. Minnette Mason
446th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

5/5/2014 - JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. -- UFC Fit Coach Mike Dolce and former UFC Middleweight Champion Rich Franklin challenged Airmen and Soldiers during a fitness workshop at the Wilson Fitness Center May 3.

The event, sponsored by Air Force Reserve Recruiting, was incorporated into this year's Ultimate Fighting Champion Fit Tour.

"We have a large fan base in the military," Franklin said. He and Dolce have visited several other military installations, including Wounded Warrior locations overseas.

Dolce said he is supportive of the military community. He emphasized the importance of focused mentality and goal achievement, and he said military members already possess these traits.

"It takes discipline and professionalism to achieve greatness. It doesn't matter if you're a civilian or a military member," said Tech. Sgt. Orlando Andujar, line recruiter with the 446th Airlift Wing recruiting office.

"[The Air Force fitness program] is much more than a test once or twice a year. It's more about a lifestyle choice not just for the sake of your career but life as a whole," he added.
Dolce's philosophy of combining proper nutrition with exercise is synonymous with Andujar's beliefs.

"It's not just about what you do in the gym," Dolce said. "You have to have nutrition in place."

During the workshop, Dolce explained how stress, unhealthy lifestyles and lack of sleep contribute to weight gain. In the past, Dolce fought high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and heart palpitations. He lost more than 100 pounds by incorporating dietary principals and various exercise regiments into his daily routine.

"Food is key. It's key to longevity. It's key to being successful," Dolce said.

Both Dolce and Franklin provided tips to healthier eating habits. Franklin elaborated on the importance of proper nutrition. He provided his testimony of being a high school athlete who struggled with gaining appropriate muscle weight. He said his mother used to cook bacon, save the bacon grease and then reuse the grease to cook other foods.

"We're trying to catch those people who have fallen through the cracks," Franklin said, referring to Air Force Reserve members who find themselves struggling with the semi-annual fitness test.

Franklin said his compassion also comes from his past consideration of joining the military. He said conducting the UFC Fit Tour events at military installations was part of his civic duty.

"Most people feel that they won't be able to achieve certain things as a military member or vice versa, but with us being there along with well-known athletes it creates a natural opportunity for breaking down any such barriers," Andujar said.

Following the workshop, Dolce and Franklin visited the McChord Field Exchange and Lewis Main exchange for photo opportunities.

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