Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Services Meet Fiscal Year Recruiting Goals Through March

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 6, 2014 – All four active services met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for the first six months of fiscal year 2014, Defense Department officials announced today.

Here are the fiscal year accession numbers through March for the services:

-- Army: 27,886 accessions, 101.5 percent of its goal of 27,485;

-- Navy: 15,699 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 15,699;

-- Marine Corps: 10,571 accessions, 100.1 percent of its goal of 10,558; and

-- Air Force: 12,982 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 12,982.

All four services exhibited strong retention numbers for the sixth month of fiscal 2014, officials said.

Four of the six reserve components met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for the first six months of the fiscal year, and all six met or exceeded the Defense Department’s quality benchmarks, officials said.

Here are the reserve-component numbers:

-- Army National Guard: 25,781 accessions,

97.2 percent of its goal of 26,521;

-- Army Reserve: 13,719 accessions, 94.4 percent of its goal of 14,526;

-- Navy Reserve: 2,032 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 2,032;

-- Marine Corps Reserve: – 4,082 accessions, 102.9 percent of its goal of 3,967;

-- Air National Guard: 4,920 accessions, 100 percent of its goal of 4,920; and

-- Air Force Reserve: 3,217 accessions, 120.4 percent of its goal of 2,673.

All reserve components met their attrition goals or were within the allowed variance, officials said, adding that data availability for this indicator lags behind accession information.

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