by Patty Welsh
66th Air Base Group Public Affairs
5/29/2014 - HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- Three
recent achievements demonstrate how a critical communications
capability managed here is continuing to keep warfighters connected.
The Battlefield Airborne Communications Node, or BACN, translates and
distributes imagery, video, voice and data, often from disparate
elements, improving situational awareness by allowing ground troops to
reach back for needed support over mountainous terrain. BACN can act as a
high-altitude relay and has been used for missions such as airdrop and
airstrike operations.
The system currently operates on two platforms: the E-11A, a modified
Bombardier business jet, and the EQ-4B, a modified Global Hawk Block 20
remotely piloted vehicle. Currently, BACN operates on four E-11As and
three EQ-4Bs.
Last month, 30 operational BACN flights on the EQ-4B were accomplished,
setting a new record for the number of flights with a BACN-equipped
remotely piloted vehicle within one month.
"This is a significant milestone," said Lt. Col. Nathan Elliott, program
manager. "Being able to provide this many flights allows us to increase
our availability of coverage, ultimately providing much needed
additional support to the warfighter."
Service members in the areas of responsibility supported appreciate that
coverage. The BACN office has been flooded with positive feedback from
supported units.
One of the comments received was from an Army squad leader and read, "My
squadron commander's first question of every mission brief is 'Do we
have BACN'? ... [G]round commanders feel more secure knowing the BACN is
flying overhead. You are saving lives."
Another recent achievement was the simultaneous flights of three Global
Hawks with the BACN system. Being able to provide this concurrent
ability not only allows for expanded coverage for warfighters, but it
allows for overlapping missions, eliminating potential gaps in coverage.
"We are constantly looking for ways to improve upon the BACN system's
capabilities, and being able to provide this simultaneous coverage was
one that we knew would immediately enhance what BACN already does," said
And on the E-11A platform, the system recently surpassed 5,000 combat missions.
"In November, we passed 5,000 total combat missions for BACN," said
Elliott. "However, we now have accomplished that number on just one of
our platforms. This has increased our ability to provide wide-open lines
of communication between troops on the ground and the aircraft
providing them support."
The BACN system was originally demonstrated during a Joint Expeditionary
Force Experiment on a WB-57 aircraft in 2006 to show how it could meet
the challenges associated with operating in mountainous regions with
limited line-of-sight. In 2009, BACN became a Joint Urgent Operational
Need program to support Operation Enduring Freedom.
In the 2015 Presidential Budget, BACN again received funding for the
coming year of operation. The Air Force, through the program office
here, along with Air Combat Command's Tactical Data Links Enterprise
Division, are working the necessary steps to turn BACN into a program of
record and make BACN a permanent Air Force capability.
The program office feels this capability needs to remain in the hands of the warfighter.
"We receive so many comments from the field telling us how BACN is
helping them accomplish their missions," said Jennifer Gould, deputy
program manager. "We're proud to provide that support and want to
continue providing it as long as it's needed."
One such example she highlighted was from a Task Force Leader who said,
"(BACN) was absolutely indispensable in the execution of [our] mission
... as fundamental as ammunition and chow."
Gould added that it's comments like the one above that continue to inspire the personnel in the BACN program office.
"These comments encourage us to not only continue what we're doing, but
to do it better," she said. "I'm looking forward to celebrating the next
major milestones in the coming years."
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