Thursday, May 08, 2014

AF implements DOS rollback phase II

by Debbie Gildea
Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs

5/8/2014 - JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- The Air Force has implemented the 2014 enlisted date of separation rollback program phase II, Air Force Personnel Center officials said May 1.

The program accelerates the date of separation for Airmen who declined to acquire retainability for an assignment, training, retraining or professional military education, and who have fewer than 18 years or 20 years or more of total active federal military service.

Airmen identified for separation under this second phase of the fiscal year 2014 DOS rollback program must do so by Sept. 29. Those eligible to retire must apply for retirement by May 29 and must be retired by Sept. 1.

Airman can be considered for the DOS rollback only if they meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

- Have fewer than 15 years of total active federal military service as of Sept. 29, or at least 15 but fewer than 18 years of TAFMS as of Aug. 31; or 20 years or more TAFMS on or before Aug. 31.

- Have an Aug. 31, 2015 or earlier DOS for those eligible to retire, or a Sept. 29, 2015 or earlier DOS for Airmen ineligible for retirement.

- As of April 30, must have a "3D" or "3E" reenlistment code, a "09" assignment availability code, or "3E" grade status reason that renders them ineligible to reenlist.

Airmen separated or retired under DOS rollback will not be required to repay unearned portions of bonuses, special pays or other monetary incentives, and they will not be entitled to any unpaid portions of bonuses, special pays or other monetary incentives.

Airmen affected by the rollback may also be entitled to separation pay, officials said.

Airmen who have between six but less than 20 years of active service who are not first-term Airmen may be eligible for full separation pay, if they sign an individual ready reserve agreement. In addition, Airmen on active duty for 180 days or more will be authorized transition assistance benefits, such as permissive temporary duty, 180 days extended medical care for themselves and their family members, and two years of commissary and exchange privileges.

Affected Airmen who have at least 15, but fewer than 18 years TAFMS as of Aug. 31, may request retirement under the temporary early retirement authority.

For more information about fiscal 14 force management programs, including DOS rollback and TERA, as well as other personnel issues, visit myPers. Select "search all components" from the search window drop down menu, and enter "Active Duty: FY14 Force Management Programs" in the search window.

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