Friday, March 07, 2014

VCNO Announces Further Flag Officer Adjustments

By Defense Media Activity - Navy

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Mark Ferguson, announced the next phase of Flag officer billet adjustments, projected to bring the Navy into compliance with Office of the Secretary of Defense guidance.

The adjustments are in addition to the reduction of 35 Navy flag officer positions announced in August 2013.

The phased reduction, elimination, or consolidation of flag officer billets is scheduled to be complete by March 2016 and will occur as the officers effect permanent change of station moves or retire. This plan will allow for 151 flag officers to fill Navy-specific billets and 64 Navy flag officers to fill existing requirements for joint billets.

"The overall Flag billet plan balances these adjustments across officer communities, including Line, Restricted Line and Staff Corps. It also enables the Navy to provide more stability and predictability in the flag officer promotion process while meeting statutory requirements," Adm. Ferguson explained.

Specific billets affected by this plan include:


- Deputy Chief of the Navy Reserve. The current billet is filled by an active duty Rear Adm. (lower half).

- Director of Intelligence Operations (N2/N6I). The current billet is filled by an active duty Rear Adm. (lower half).

- Director, Maritime Headquarters, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. The current billet is filled by an active duty Rear Adm. (lower half).

Shift from Active Duty to Reserves

- Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet will transition from an active duty Rear Adm. (upper half) to a recalled reservist of the same rank.

- Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command for Global Logistics Support will transition from an active duty Rear Adm. (lower half) to a recalled reservist of the same rank.

Increase in Seniority

- Commander, Navy Cyber Command will increase in seniority from a Rear Adm. (lower half) to a Rear Adm. (upper half). The command will also become Information Dominance Forces Command, the Echelon II type commander for the Information Dominance Corps. This increase in seniority allows for better management of senior officers in the Information Dominance career field.

- Program Executive Officer for Air Anti-Submarine Warfare, Assault and Special Mission Programs (PEO-A) will increase in seniority from a Rear Adm. (lower half) to a Rear Adm. (upper half). This increase in seniority is commensurate with the scope of responsibility for the billet and helps balance the acquisition corps billet structure.
Billet shift

- Commander, Navy Air and Missile Defense Command, a Rear Adm. (lower half), will shift to a new command, the Navy Surface Warfare Development Command and remain at the same rank.

Merger and Elimination

- Oceanographer of the Navy; Navigator of the Navy; and Director, Space and Maritime Domain Awareness (OPNAV N2/N6E), previously commanded by a Rear Adm. (upper half), will merge with Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command. The new billet will be filled by a U.S. Navy Rear Adm. (lower half). The billet will be located at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi.

"Our goal remains to operate more efficiently and effectively while strengthening our warfighting capabilities. Shifting two billets to the Reserve Force recognizes their significant contribution to combat operations, their operational expertise, and their integrated service with the active duty component," Adm. Ferguson said. "As warfare requirements evolve, we will continue to assess our flag officer billet structure while seeking opportunities to further integrate our Reserve and Active Duty components."

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