Saturday, March 01, 2014

Troops for Teens connects Airmen and students

by 2nd Lt. Meredith Hein
24th Air Force Public Affairs

Troops for Teens, a mentoring and tutoring partnership between 24th Air Force and South San Antonio Independent School District, officially kicked off Feb. 22 with an event for students and mentors. 
"This is an important partnership between the South San Antonio ISD and 24th Air Force to mentor and tutor these students," said Capt. Dacia Sexton, 24th AF A8/9 senior cyber analyst and head of volunteers for the 24th AF staff.  "We have an opportunity to make a difference in these students passing their standardized tests, moving to the next grade level, making positive career choices and even staying in school."
The Troops for Teens program seeks to foster an environment of education, mentorship and leadership opportunities for students in San Antonio, according to Maj. Gen. J. Kevin McLaughlin, 24th Air Force commander. 
"This program allows Airmen to give back to the community by exercising 'Service before Self' and molding the future leaders of America," said Sexton. 
Through the program, mentors will meet with students at their school to help with tutoring in basic subjects, including algebra, biology, English, geography, and geometry.  In addition, the students will be invited to base events to see what life in the military is like. 
The two-part program aims to successfully mold students into well-rounded individuals armed with the skills and knowledge needed to make educated career decisions, according to Sexton. 
 "This is such a great opportunity for both the mentors and the kids involved," said Lt. Col. Roy Jones III, A5/6 deputy director and head of 24th AF's efforts in the program.  "We're grateful for the chance to give back to our local community in a way that is mutually beneficial." 
The kickoff event, held Feb. 22 at the McLaughlin home, included lunch and games which gave a chance for students and mentors to get to know each other. 
During the event, McLaughlin thanked the mentors, students and educators involved in the program. 
"We're so happy to have you here, and thankful for the chance to build this relationship," said McLaughlin.  "This is just the starting point of a great partnership."
There are hundreds of children in the South San Antonio ISD who are eligible for this program, and school officials are working to get as many students as possible involved. 
Currently, 30 mentors from 24th AF are involved in the program, with tutoring scheduled to begin in March. 
"I'd call on anyone who is interested in helping out to get with their unit POCs and find a way to be involved," said Jones.  "Every action on our part can make an impact on a kid's life." 
For information on how to get involved in the Troops for Teens program, contact your unit POCs:
24th Air Force: Capt. Dacia Sexton
67th Cyberspace Wing: Chief Master Sgt. Rhonda Buening
688th Cyberspace Wing: Maj. Pablo Juarez
624th Operations Center: Capt. Erica Fuller

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