Friday, March 21, 2014

Hagel Discusses Airliner Search With Malaysian Official

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, March 21, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke this morning with a senior Malaysian government official about the ongoing search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said.

Defense Minister Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein, who also is Malaysia’s acting transport minister, thanked Hagel for the support being provided by the United States, particularly that of the U.S. Navy, and requested that U.S. officials consider providing some undersea surveillance equipment as well, Kirby said in a statement summarizing the call.

“Secretary Hagel assured Minister Hishammuddin that he would assess the availability and utility of military undersea technology for such a task and provide him an update in the very near future,” the press secretary said.

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