Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hagel Chooses Navy Admiral to Oversee Ethics Efforts

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, March 25, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has chosen Navy Rear Adm. Margaret “Peg” Klein to serve as his senior advisor for military professionalism.

A 1981 graduate of the Naval Academy, Klein is currently serving as chief of staff to the Joint Staff’s director of strategic plans and policy.

In her new job, Klein will report directly to Hagel. In addition to coordinating the actions of the Joint Staff, the combatant commands and the military services, she will work directly with the service secretaries and chiefs on the Defense Department’s focus on ethics, character and competence in all activities at every level of command with an uncompromising culture of accountability, Hagel said in a statement announcing Klein’s selection.

“I appreciate Rear Admiral Klein’s willingness to take on this new assignment,” Hagel said. “She brings to the position a wealth of operational and leadership experience, including command responsibilities at various levels throughout the Navy community.”

Klein served as the 82nd commandant of midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy, the secretary noted. “She knows that ethics and character are absolute values that must be constantly reinforced,” he added.

Klein has served in numerous operational assignments as a naval flight officer, and has held several command and leadership positions and staff assignments. She has more than 4,500 flight hours in the EC-130 and the E-6. Her decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit and the Meritorious Service Medal.

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