Wednesday, March 12, 2014

181st Intelligence Wing Airmen Hone Urban Combat Skills

by Lt. Col. Frank Howard
181st Intelligence Wing

3/11/2014 - HULMAN FIELD AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Ind. -- Airmen from the 181st Intelligence Wing, 113th Air Support Operations Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard will conduct Operation Rogue Banshee at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center Saturday through Monday.

The focus of the training will be Close Air Support incorporation into urban combat operations and other small unit scenarios.
"Calling in airstrikes on the right target at the right time can change the battle," stated Maj. Ryan Harvey, 113th ASOS Air Liaison Officer.

Tactical Air Control Party members imbed with Special Forces, Army and Marine units
to bring overwhelming firepower to the battlefield in the form of air strikes.

"We train heavily with the A-10 fighter aircraft from Ft. Wayne ANG at Muscatatuck," stated Harvey. "The training with Apache helicopters this weekend will refresh our joint skills."
Throughout the training 113th ASOS Airmen will be training on all communications equipment crucial to the job.

"The skills being honed this weekend proved invaluable in responding to and retrieving stranded motorists and medical personnel during Winter Storm Ion and getting them to shelters and hospitals," stated Col. Patrick Renwick, vice commander, 181st IW and former 113th ASOS commander.

"Having the Muscatatuk Urban Training Center in Indiana gives my Airmen the ability to conduct training that is not available anywhere else," stated Harvey.

The 181st Intelligence Wing is dedicated to supporting the Nation and the people of Indiana.

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