Wednesday, February 05, 2014

USAF Expeditionary Center Looks Ahead

by Maj Gen Rick Martin
Commander, USAF Expeditionary Center

2/4/2014 - Spring 2014 -- Since my assumption of command in early September, I've had the opportunity to engage over the first 100 days with many amazing units and Airmen who work within the U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center (EC) enterprise. I've been witness to excellent trust, competence, and responsiveness--values I hold very dear. As I settled back in at the EC headquarters in New Jersey after much travel, I reflected upon the uniqueness of our mission.

Our mission, under the EC, is to deliver "Airpower ... from the ground up!" Almost 20 years ago, the Air Mobility Warfare Center opened its doors to deliver this same mission. Since then, EC Airmen have been part of a proud airpower heritage, a heritage that has carried us into a matured mobility and expeditionary enterprise. The members who work within the EC have operated across generations of war fighting and mobility missions--proving to be the best at what they do and truly maximizing each other's capacity. In the past year, we've faced a multitude of challenges: reductions in funding, manpower shortages, and a wide array of contingencies spanning all corners of the globe.

Despite these considerable challenges, the resolve of EC Airmen has not wavered. These AMC warriors have triumphed in the face of difficulty and overcome situations that would have broken the Air Force of a lesser nation. I believe the EC to be the center of gravity for all Air Force boots-on-ground operations. We are proud Airmen who fight this nation's wars and contribute to our nation's ability to fly, fight, and win through our ground-based efforts. We not only augment the fight or the response, but we also accelerate it through the expeditionary enterprise of the Air Force. In short, we prepare and send Airmen anywhere their skills are needed, including into harm's way.

Those who go forward must be properly trained, maximizing the odds of mission success and minimizing risk of injury to themselves or friendly forces. It is here at the EC that we prepare Airmen to answer the call anytime and anywhere. Joint partners and a number of worldwide customers rely on our trained Airmen to push forward their missions. Finally, it is here that we proudly shape global response with a tremendous commitment to responsiveness.

The depth and scope of our Expeditionary Center mission is enormous. Our 14,000 Airmen located throughout the globe are masters of their craft, expertly providing installation support, contingency response, en route mobility mission acceleration, and training while building partnership capacity. Furthermore, we thrive in the joint environment. While the Navy covers the sea domain and the Army operates in the land domain, it is the speed, range, and flexibility of the Air Force that makes airpower essential to a global joint team.

Our vision drives us to deliver world class support fueled by innovative Airmen. Fiscal constraints will continue to force us to develop new and innovative ways to safely complete the mission. We must communicate across the command to build our intellectual capacity and prevent stovepipes in processes and procedures. This will enable us to meet the increasing challenges and contingencies around the globe and allow us to provide the same world-class support. All of this is fueled by Airmen at all levels--each making a difference! I remain extremely proud of the hard work the EC has accomplished over the past year, and I look forward to further increasing our capabilities and strengthening our partnerships in the year ahead.

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