Friday, February 07, 2014

Spotlight Award: SSgt Ryan Rodgers

by AMC

2/5/2014 - Spring 2014 -- SSgt Ryan Rodgers serves as the Aerial Port Support Section Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, 728th Air Mobility Squadron, Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. He identified numerous hazardous conditions in the work environment during his weekly safety inspections. In response, he co-authored four Job Safety Analyses to train and educate personnel on how to recognize and abate potential hazards and mishaps. In an effort to reverse the trend of vehicle mishaps throughout the enterprise, he organized a flight safety day to refresh all personnel on risk management and material handling equipment operations. This renewed focus cultivated a safety mindset in the 101 personnel under his scope of responsibility, which is evidenced by the fact that even with an influx of newly assigned personnel, there have been no safety incidents within the Aerial Port. Finally, as a hazardous material and explosives handling instructor, SSgt Rodgers oversaw the training and certification of all Aerial Port personnel on the safe disposition of dangerous goods. His diligence paid off with the safe and efficient airlift of 10 tons of explosives on three aircraft.

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