by Samuel King Jr.
Team Eglin Public Affairs
2/7/2014 - EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- After
more than a year of modification maintenance, the newly created AC-130J
Ghostrider took to the skies for the first time as a gunship here Jan.
In early Jan 2013, the Air Force Special Operations Command MC-130J
arrived here to begin the modification process with the goal of creating
a "best of both worlds" aircraft. The end result became a 'hybrid'
C-130 model with the flying proficiencies of the MC-130J and the combat
capabilities of an AC-130.
The modification was done here because the AC-130J test team and test program are located at Eglin.
"After the modification was completed, the aircraft could remain here
where we could take it out for the first flight. That's why Eglin was
the best choice," said Maj. Brian Taliaferro, the aircraft commander for
the flight.
Converting a mobility aircraft into a strike aircraft meant adding some
hardware. That came in the form of the Precision Strike Package, which
was developed by USSOCOM to support ground forces in overseas
contingency operations.
"These new weapon systems and small diameter bombs provide over watch
and further standoff distance to cover a wider range of space for our
warfighters on the ground," said Maj. Eric Ripple, U.S. Special
Operations Command Detachment 1 commander.
The Precision Strike Package includes dual electro-optical infrared
sensors, a 30-mm cannon, AGM-176A Griffin missiles, all-weather
synthetic aperture radar and GBU-39 small diameter bomb capabilities.
The sensors allow the gunship to visually or electronically identify
friendly ground forces and targets at any time, even in adverse weather.
Pairing weapons with a networked battle management system, enhanced
communications and situational awareness upgrades the J-Model's ability
to deliver surgical firepower.
"We get the successes of the Precision Strike Package and marry it up
with the advantages of the J-model bringing the best two C-130s together
in a new weapons system," said Todd McGinnis, USSOCOM Det. 1 AC-130J
modification manager.
The aircrew from Eglin's 413th Flight Test Squadron took the new
aircraft out for its first official sortie. The 413th FLTS is the lead
participating test organization for the developmental testing of the
"As with any new or highly modified aircraft, the initial goal is to
ensure the aircraft design or modification does not adversely affect the
flying and handling qualities," said Taliaferro. "We have dedicated six
flights at the beginning of the test program to accomplish this task."
To be involved with a first flight is rare in the test pilot community,
but they are trained to accomplish a mission like this, according to
Taliaferro. "He said it's rewarding when the training leads to a
successful, smooth flight like this one."
"The flight went excellent," said the major. "We met our primary
objective, which was to clear the envelope sufficiently to allow for a
safe landing."
To do this, after takeoff, the aircrew left the landing gear and flaps
down until reaching a safe altitude. They incrementally slowed the
aircraft to touchdown speed, checking the flying and handling qualities
at each speed. The 413th crew also completed multiple swings of the
landing gear to ensure it had proper clearance with the new
modifications. They also performed flying and handling quality assurance
tests during the three and a half hour flight.
"This is a big accomplishment not just for the AC-130J test team and the
413th FLTS, but also for the 96th Test Wing, who provided many pivotal
support functions to make this flight a success," said Taliaferro.
A total of 32 MC-130J aircraft will be modified for AFSOC as part of a
$2.4 billion AC-130J program to grow the future fleet, according to
Capt. Greg Sullivan, USSOCOM Det. 1 AC-130J on-site program manager.
(Raquel Sanchez contributed to this article.)
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