Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hagel to Visit Troops at Langley AFB, Fort Eustis in Virginia

By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will visit troops today at Langley Air Force Base and Fort Eustis in the Norfolk, Va., area, senior defense officials said.

In 2010, Langley and Fort Eustis were combined to form Joint Base Langley–Eustis.

One of the oldest Air Force facilities, Langley is home for Headquarters Air Combat Command. The 1st Fighter Wing, 633rd Air Base Wing, the 480th Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, and the Virginia National Guard’s 192nd Fighter Wing also operate there. The base also hosts the Global Cyberspace Integration Center. Hagel will discuss the Air Force’s future during that leg of the trip.

At Fort Eustis, home of the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command, Hagel will discuss the Army’s future force structure. At TRADOC, the secretary will meet with soldiers and leaders of the organization responsible for training the Army's future force.

Fort Eustis is an Army military installation near Newport News, Va. In addition to TRADOC, the post is the home to the Army Transportation Corps and Army Aviation Logistics School.

TRADOC was created in 1973 under Army Gen. William E. DePuy, and today it’s responsible for recruiting and training soldiers and training support units, developing Army and civilian leaders, guiding the Army through doctrine, and building and integrating formations, capabilities and materiel.

TRADOC oversees 32 Army schools organized under eight centers of excellence. The centers train more than 500,000 soldiers and service members each year.

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