Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hagel Reaffirms Bilateral Relationship With Colombia

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel called Colombian Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzon last night to continue the strong defense cooperation between the United States and Colombia, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said.

In a statement summarizing the call, Kirby said Hagel affirmed the importance of the bilateral relationship and that the Defense Department is committed to further strengthening the partnership between the two countries.

“In addition to Colombia's excellent progress in defense transformation and in consolidating gains in internal security,” the admiral said, “Secretary Hagel and Minister Pinzon also discussed opportunities for the United States and Colombia to continue close collaboration on various security issues, including in preparation for the 11th Conference of the Defense Ministers of the Americas, to be held in Peru later this year.”

Hagel and Pinzon met at the White House in December during Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos's visit to Washington, Kirby said.

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