Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hagel Expresses Gratitude for Finland’s Contributions

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2014 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel discussed a range of issues that included Afghanistan, Syria, Nordic cooperation and the Arctic with Finnish Defense Minister Carl Haglund at the Pentagon yesterday, Assistant Pentagon Press Secretary Carl Woog said.

In a statement summarizing the meeting, Woog said Hagel conveyed gratitude for the strong U.S.-Finnish bilateral relationship and noted that Finland also is a valued NATO partner and an important leader in addressing regional and global challenges.

“Secretary Hagel praised Finland's contributions to NATO operations in Afghanistan and its willingness to join the international efforts to destroy the chemical weapons removed from Syria,” he added.

Hagel also applauded Finland's leadership role in enhancing Nordic regional cooperation, the assistant press secretary said, including through increased emphasis on joint training and exercises.

“Secretary Hagel is thankful for the Finnish commitment to global security, and he looks forward to working together in advancing our mutual security interests to meet future challenges,” Woog said, adding that the secretary also looks forward to seeing Haglund at a meeting of NATO defense ministers in February.

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