Saturday, January 18, 2014

Force management: Be educated, prepared

by Air Force Capt. Matthew Chism
JBER Public Affairs

1/17/2014 - Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska -- Across the Air Force and here at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Airmen are trying to learn about their options and the implementation process of the Air Force Fiscal Year 2014 force management programs.

Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Garcia, Air Force Personnel Center retirements and separations branch chief, is encouraging Airmen to ensure their personnel files are up to date.

"You should review your records now to make sure the information is accurate," Garcia said. "If it isn't, you'll still have time to update your records before the board."

Reviewing all performance reports, making sure decorations are current and reviewing applicable Personnel Services Delivery Memorandums are places to start. Airmen can view their current records by visiting the Virtual Military Personnel Flight and Personnel Records Display Application via the AF portal at

The 673d Force Support Squadron is hosting an AF FY14 force management information meeting today, 2:30 p.m. at the Talkeetna Theater. This event is open to any active duty, civilian supervisors or family members who would like to attend.

Below is a description of the Temporary Early Retirement Authority, Voluntary Separation Pay and Quality Force Review Board programs. This information may be updated or entire programs can be cancelled at any time.

Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA)
Schedule: Eligible Airmen can submit applications between Jan. 14, 2014 - Mar. 26, 2014 with a scheduled separation of August 2014 for accepted applications.

The Air Force will not apply a "first come, first served" process to accepting applications. Factors such as Air Force specialty code, grade, total active federal military service date and active duty service commitments will be taken into consideration.

Voluntary Separation Pay (VSP)
Schedule: Eligible enlisted Airmen can submit applications between Jan. 14, 2014 - May 1, 2014 with a scheduled separation of September 2014 for accepted applications. The officer VSP dates have not been released.

The FY14 VSP program entitles enlisted Retention Board-eligible Airmen 1.25 percent times the rate of full separation pay for volunteers. ERB eligible Airmen not selected for retention by the board will be entitled to full separation pay at the standard rate.

Quality Force Review Board (QFRB)
Schedule: Eligible enlisted Airmen received notice in December 2013. Optional letters to the board are due Apr. 25, 2014, and board results are scheduled to be released Jun. 2014 with a projected separation of September 2014.

The enlisted QFRB will review the records of any Airman with less than 18, or 20 or more, years of total active federal military service as of Sep. 30, 2014 with a quality force indicator for continued retention. Examples of quality force indicators are retraining due to disqualification, awaiting discharge for cause, current referral performance report, grade reduction, rank not commensurate with years of service, five or more days lost time, career field skill level not commensurate with grade, serving a suspended Article 15 punishment, serving on control roster, poor fitness assessment, and denied reenlistment. Board members will review evaluations, decorations, an enlisted retention brief and an enlisted retention recommendation form to determine if an Airman will be retained.

Airmen are encouraged to stay up-to-date with force management information by visiting  or by visiting the 673d FSS career development team in JBER's People Center.

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