Wednesday, January 29, 2014

AMC hosts chief learning officer round table

by T.G. Kistler
Air Mobility Command Public Affairs

1/29/2014 - SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Fifteen chief learning officers from companies across the nation came together here recently to exchange ideas about learning organizations and transformation plans.

Dr. Darcy Lilley, Air Mobility Command's chief learning officer, said the discussion provided insight for their mission. Her office explores innovative ways of learning to spread excellence across the command.

As AMC moves away from the old learning model of train for deployment, deploy, recover, train for deployment etc., the in-garrison force is the future norm. The command's challenge, then, is to keep Airmen involved and motivated through innovative learning.

The learning office's main concern is supporting mission accomplishment, not pursuing advanced academic degrees. While post-secondary education is important, the AMC learning office focuses on learning at the individual and organizational level.

This lines up with the AMC commander's third priority: training.

For example, an organization may create a training video to help teach others how to perform a task. Millions of people have learned how to play guitar or change out engines this way, proving that videos can be effective.

By conducting the training on-demand through video, Airmen can also gain access to the best trainer in AMC. They can train when they are motivated to learn, instead of when their supervisors tell them to attend a class.

This means they potentially will learn more quickly and comprehensively, at a reduced expense.

Defense Connect Online, or DCO, also enhances learning. It is one of AMC's virtual solutions to the current fiscal climate and reduced travel for face-to-face meetings.

During a recent online conference, Gen. Paul Selva, AMC commander, met with 300 junior officers, junior noncommissioned officers and junior civilian employees.

The perceived feeling of anonymity on DCO, although names were visible, encouraged participants to ask the commander more questions than they might in a traditional setting. The commander was able to answer their questions and improve their learning experience.

That is the ultimate goal. The AMC learning office plans to help every Airman become a lifelong learner with a positive approach to new learning experiences.

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