Wednesday, November 20, 2013

341st MW demonstrates excellence during NORI

by Capt. Chase P. McFarland
341st Missile Wing Public Affairs

11/20/2013 - MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, Mont. -- The 341st Missile Wing demonstrated excellence during a weeklong Nuclear Operational Readiness Inspection conducted by the Air Force Global Strike Command Inspector General team Nov. 12 to 18.

The NORI is an exhaustive evaluation of the wing's ability to conduct combat operations across a spectrum of threats ranging from defense against terrorist action all the way to global nuclear warfare. The wing's ability to provide safety and security for its nuclear arsenal is also analyzed.

During this inspection, nuclear Airmen of Malmstrom Air Force Base were continuously evaluated by the IG team in three graded areas: force generation, employment and surety.

"This [performance] was absolutely fantastic," said Col. Bernard Dodson, AFGSC deputy inspector general. "The [people] of America will sleep well tonight knowing that the men and women of Wing One are on the job."

The commitment and perseverance demonstrated by the members of Malmstrom was reflected by the IG team's announcement of the ratings across three major graded areas and eight sub-areas.

NORIs are exceedingly detailed and require an exacting standard of compliance and accountability. These challenging inspections constantly test, assess, evaluate, compare and hone processes, procedures and readiness.

"I couldn't be more proud of the nuclear Airmen of Wing One," said Col. Robert Stanley, 341st MW commander. "We just knocked the socks off the [AFGSC] IG team for the second time in two months. In one fell swoop, these dedicated warriors have helped change the nation's dialogue about the capability and morale of our ICBM force."

The commander went on to point out that the IG team recognized one superior performer and seven superior teams during the inspection.

"With a unit like this, nothing is impossible," Stanley said. "I will forever remember this wing as the finest military unit I have ever been associated with, and I am greatly honored to have been given the opportunity to lead such a remarkable team."

Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson, AFGSC commander, commended Malmstrom members for a job well done.

"This achievement reflects the superior expertise the wing provides day-to-day," Wilson said. "Being recognized by Headquarters AFGSC/IG with an 'Excellent' rating on [Malmstrom's] NORI is a significant accomplishment and exemplifies our command's vision of an elite, highly-disciplined team."

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